Researcher’s Page – Tarot Card Meanings
Q: What does The FOOL card mean?
A. THE FOOL is all about Beginnings. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE INNOCENT. Upright it represents FEARLESS BEGINNINGS, and in reverse FEARFUL BEGINNINGS. This care embodies embarking on a new journey with innocence and trust. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Zodiac air signs, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Uranus planetarily represents strategy, love, uncertainty, and exploring. The 1909 Golden Dawn definitions of the Tarot deck incorporated only planets that were visible from earth at that time. Since then, newer celestial bodies, like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, have inspired fresh interpretations and additions to the tarot. This is one of only three cards in the deck affected. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 0 , which can represent “Blankness”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What could you gain by taking the leap?
Q: What does The MAGICIAN card mean?
A. THE MAGICIAN is all about Manifestation. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE MANIFESTOR. Upright it represents MANIFESTING REWARDS, and in reverse MANIFESTING PUNISHMENT. This care embodies manifesting reality with willpower and skill. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Zodiac air signs, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. Mercury planetarily represents strategy. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 1 , which can represent “Beginnings”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could a positive mindset benefit your outcomes?
Q: What does The HIGH PRIESTESS card mean?
A. THE HIGH PRIESTESS is all about Intuition. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE MYSTIC. Upright it represents DECISIVE INTUITION, and in reverse SILENT INTUITION. This care embodies intuition, mystery, and the subconscious. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Zodiac water signs, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. The Moon planetarily represents emotion. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 2 , which can represent “Union”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What might trusting your instincts bring to your life?
Q: What does The EMPRESS card mean?
A. THE EMPRESS is all about Nurturing. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE NURTURER. Upright it represents NURTURING CREATOR, and in reverse SMOTHERING CREATOR. This care embodies nurturing, abundance, and motherly love. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Zodiac earth signs, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. Venus planetarily represents love. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 3 , which can represent “Kindred”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might nurturing yourself and others with unconditional love change your life?
Q: What does The EMPEROR card mean?
A. THE EMPEROR is all about Authority. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE RULER. Upright it represents STRONG LEADER, and in reverse INEFFECTIVE LEADER. This care embodies authority, structure, and control. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Aries, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 4 , which can represent “Structure”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What benefits could come from your effective leadership?
Q: What does The HIEROPHANT card mean?
A. THE HIEROPHANT is all about Tradition. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE TEACHER. Upright it represents TRADITIONAL TEACHING, and in reverse UNCONVENTIONAL THINKING. This care embodies tradition, religious beliefs, and conformity. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Taurus, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a
5 , which can represent “Forging”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might honoring tradition enhance your life?
Q: What does The LOVERS card mean?
A. THE LOVERS is all about Choice. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE CHOSEN. Upright it represents EUPHORIC CHOICE, and in reverse HAUNTED CHOICE. This care embodies love, union, and choices in relationships. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Gemini, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 6 , which can represent “Harmony”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What can thoughtful consideration bring when feelings seem perfect?
Q: What does The CHARIOT card mean?
A. THE CHARIOT is all about Willpower. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE CONQUEROR. Upright it represents UNWAVERING WILLPOWER, and in reverse TESTED WILLPOWER. This care embodies overcoming obstacles through determination and willpower. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Cancer, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 7 , which can represent “Awareness”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What rewards might you reap from staying true to your goal?
Q: What does the STRENGTH card mean?
A. STRENGTH is all about Courage. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE BRAVEST. Upright it represents UNQUESTIONED CONVICTION, and in reverse EXHAUSTED CONFIDENCE. This care embodies courage, patience, and inner strength. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Leo, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 8 , which can represent “Power”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How can believing in yourself enrich your life?
Q: What does The HERMIT card mean?
A. THE HERMIT is all about Introspection. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE SEEKER. Upright it represents SOUL SEARCHING, and in reverse SELF ISOLATION. This care embodies soul-searching, introspection, and inner guidance. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Virgo, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 9 , which can represent “Fulfillment”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What could you gain by acknowledging your true desires?
Q: What does the WHEEL OF FORTUNE card mean?
A. WHEEL OF FORTUNE is all about Fate. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DESTINED. Upright it represents LUCKY TWIST OF FATE, and in reverse UNFORESEEN CHALLENGE. This care embodies cycles, luck, and destiny. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Zodiac fire signs, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. Jupiter planetarily represents growing. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 10 , which can represent “Beginnings”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What opportunities could come your way through fate?
Q: What does the JUSTICE card mean?
A. JUSTICE is all about Fairness. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE JUDGE. Upright it represents FAIR JUDGEMENT, and in reverse UNFAIR BIAS. This care embodies fairness, balance, and truth. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Libra, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 11 , which can represent “Union”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could trusting in the concept of karma benefit you?
Q: What does The HANGED MAN card mean?
A. THE HANGED MAN is all about Sacrifice. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE SACRIFICER. Upright it represents REWARDED SACRIFICE, and in reverse EMPTY REWARD. This care embodies surrender, seeing things differently, and sacrifice. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions.
The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Zodiac water signs, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune planetarily represents feelings, battle-readiness, growing, and idealism. The 1909 Golden Dawn definitions of the Tarot deck incorporated only planets that were visible from earth at that time. Since then, newer celestial bodies, like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, have inspired fresh interpretations and additions to the tarot. This is one of only three cards in the deck affected. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 12 , which can represent “Kindred”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What could you gain if the reward exceeds the cost?
Q: What does the DEATH card mean?
A. DEATH is all about Transformation. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE TRANSFORMER. Upright it represents NECESSARY ENDING, and in reverse RESISTED ENDING. This care embodies transformation, endings, and new beginnings. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Scorpio, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 13 , which can represent “Structure”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How can endings mark new beginnings in your life?
Q: What does the TEMPERANCE card mean?
A. TEMPERANCE is all about Harmony. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE HARMONIZER. Upright it represents PATIENT BALANCE, and in reverse IMBALANCED EXCESS. This care embodies balance, patience, and moderation. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Sagittarius, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 14 , which can represent “Forging”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What benefits come from maintaining a healthy balance?
Q: What does The DEVIL card mean?
A. THE DEVIL is all about Temptation. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE TEMPTED. Upright it represents DESTRUCTIVE INDULGENCE, and in reverse RELEASING INDULGENCE. This care embodies bondage, temptation, and materialism. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Capricorn, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 15 , which can represent “Harmony”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How can facing your vices lead to growth and empowerment?
Q: What does The TOWER card mean?
A. THE TOWER is all about Upheaval. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE VICTIM. Upright it represents PAINFUL TRANSITION, and in reverse NEEDED TRANSITION. This care embodies unexpected upheaval, chaos, and revelation. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Zodiac fire signs, give characteristics of self- awareness, domination, and intellect. Mars planetarily represents battle-readiness. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 16 , which can represent “Awareness”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could a painful event turn into an opportunity?
Q: What does The STAR card mean?
A. THE STAR is all about Hope. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE GUIDE. Upright it represents BRIGHT HOPE, and in reverse LOST FAITH. This care embodies hope, inspiration, and serenity. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Aquarius, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 17 , which can represent “Power”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might belief without proof benefit you?
Q: What does The MOON card mean?
A. THE MOON is all about Illusion. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DREAMER. Upright it represents HALF-LIT TRUTHS, and in reverse ILLUSION REVEALED. This care embodies illusion, intuition, and the subconscious. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Pisces, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 18 , which can represent “Fulfillment”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What are the benefits of waiting for all the facts?
Q: What does The SUN card mean?
A. THE SUN is all about Joy. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE OPTIMIST. Upright it represents UNBRIDLED JOY, and in reverse DAMPENED JOY. This care embodies joy, success, and vitality. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Zodiac fire signs, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. The Sun planetarily represents confidence. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 19 , which can represent “Beginnings”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could deciding to be happy enhance your life?
Q: What does the JUDGEMENT card mean?
A. JUDGEMENT is all about Karma. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE RENEWER. Upright it represents EARNED REDEMPTION, and in reverse UNLEARNED LESSON. This care embodies judgement, rebirth, and inner calling. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Zodiac fire signs, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. Mars, Sun, Jupiter, and Pluto planetarily represents battle-readiness, confidence, growing, and changing. The 1909 Golden Dawn definitions of the Tarot deck incorporated only planets that were visible from earth at that time. Since then, newer celestial bodies, like Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, have inspired fresh interpretations and additions to the tarot. This is one of only three cards in the deck affected. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 20 , which can represent “Union”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What growth awaits you with courageous reflection?
Q: What does The WORLD card mean?
A. THE WORLD is all about Completion. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE ACHIEVER. Upright it represents TRIUMPHANT COMPLETION, and in reverse HOLLOW COMPLETION. This care embodies completion, celebration, and culmination. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Zodiac earth signs, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. Saturn planetarily represents uncertainty. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 21 , which can represent “Kindred”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What benefits does a journey bring, besides reaching the destination?
Q: What does the ACE OF COINS card mean?
A. ACE OF COINS is all about Opportunity. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE ENTREPRENEUR. Upright it represents MATERIAL POTENTIAL, and in reverse MISSED OPPORTUNITY. This care embodies new financial opportunities and manifestation. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Zodiac earth signs, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 1 , which can represent “Beginnings”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What material opportunities can you manifest right now?
Q: What does the TWO OF COINS card mean?
A. TWO OF COINS is all about Balance. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE JUGGLER. Upright it represents SET PRIORITIES, and in reverse REASSESS PRIORITIES. This care embodies balancing priorities and adaptability. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Capricorn, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. Jupiter planetarily represents growing. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 2 , which can represent “Union”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might balancing work and life benefit you?
Q: What does the THREE OF COINS card mean?
A. THREE OF COINS is all about Collaboration. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE COLLABORATOR. Upright it represents BUILDING FOUNDATION, and in reverse LESSON UNLEARNED. This care embodies collaboration, teamwork, and learning. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Capricorn, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. Mars planetarily represents battle- readiness. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 3 , which can represent “Kindred”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might working and learning with others enhance your experience?
Q: What does the FOUR OF COINS card mean?
A. FOUR OF COINS is all about Security. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE CONTROLLER. Upright it represents HOLDING TIGHT, and in reverse LETTING GO. This care embodies saving, security, and holding onto possessions. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Capricorn, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. The Sun planetarily represents confidence. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 4 , which can represent “Structure”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could budgeting improve your financial health?
Q: What does the FIVE OF COINS card mean?
A. FIVE OF COINS is all about Isolation. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DISADVANTAGED. Upright it represents HARD MISFORTUNE, and in reverse RECOVERING STABILITY. This care embodies financial loss, poverty, and feeling left out. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Taurus, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. Mercury planetarily represents strategy. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 5 , which can represent “Forging”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What benefits come from viewing challenges as opportunities?
Q: What does the SIX OF COINS card mean?
A. SIX OF COINS is all about Generosity. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE GIVER. Upright it represents GENEROUS GIVING, and in reverse UNBALANCED TAKING. This care embodies generosity, charity, and giving/receiving. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Taurus, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. The Moon planetarily represents emotion. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 6
, which can represent “Harmony”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How can the principle of give and take enrich your relationships?
Q: What does the SEVEN OF COINS card mean?
A. SEVEN OF COINS is all about Patience. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE SAVER. Upright it represents FRUITS OF LABOR, and in reverse DIMINISHED RETURNS. This care embodies patience, waiting for results, and perseverance. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Taurus, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. Saturn planetarily represents uncertainty. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Late Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 7 , which can represent “Awareness”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might saving improve your financial security?
Q: What does the EIGHT OF COINS card mean?
A. EIGHT OF COINS is all about Diligence. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DILIGENT. Upright it represents ACQUIRING EXPERTISE, and in reverse PROBLEMATIC PERFECTIONISM. This care embodies mastery, dedication, and skill development. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Virgo, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. The Sun planetarily represents confidence. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 8 , which can represent “Power”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What benefits could come from sharing knowledge?
Q: What does the NINE OF COINS card mean?
A. NINE OF COINS is all about Abundance. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE INDEPENDENT. Upright it represents PROSPEROUS VICTORY, and in reverse UNFULFILLED ACHIEVEMENT. This care embodies luxuries, self-sufficiency, and financial security. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Virgo, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. Venus planetarily represents love. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 9 , which can represent “Fulfillment”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could having a lot of money impact your life?
Q: What does the TEN OF COINS card mean?
A. TEN OF COINS is all about Legacy. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE ESTABLISHED. Upright it represents LASTING SECURITY, and in reverse UNDERLYING INSTABILITY. This care embodies wealth, inheritance, and family. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Virgo, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. Mercury planetarily represents strategy. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Early Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 10 , which can represent “Beginnings”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might taking care of others bring you joy?
Q: What does the PAGE OF COINS card mean?
A. PAGE OF COINS is all about Learning. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE LEARNER. Upright it represents RECOGNIZED OPPORTUNITY, and in reverse DISCONNECTED GOALS. This care embodies ambition, desire to learn, and new beginnings. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligationsand Air (which influences intellect and strategy). The Page also embodies the Air element with concepts of intellect and strategy. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Zodiac earth signs, give characteristics of collecting, precision, and pragmatism. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with the Vernal Equinox. From numerical reduction the card is a 11 , which can represent “Union”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What new opportunities could enrich your life?
Q: What does the KNIGHT OF COINS card mean?
A. KNIGHT OF COINS is all about Determination. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DEDICATED. Upright it represents PATIENCE TO SUCCEED, and in reverse UNBALANCED ACTIONS. This care embodies hard work, responsibility, and methodical action. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligationsand Fire (which influences desire and actions). The Knight also embodies the Fire element with concepts of energy and actions. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Taurus and Aries, give characteristics of collecting, self-awareness, precision, and pragmatism. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 12 , which can represent “Kindred”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could patience improve your life?
Q: What does the QUEEN OF COINS card mean?
A. QUEEN OF COINS is all about Nurturance. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE NURTURER. Upright it represents PEACEFUL ABUNDANCE, and in reverse WASTEFUL ATTACHMENT. This care embodies practicality, nurturing, and financial security. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligationsand Water (which influences love and emotions). The Queen also embodies the Water element with concepts of love and emotions. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Capricorn and Sagittarius, give characteristics of pragmatism, intellect, collecting, and precision. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 13 , which can represent “Structure”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could supporting others bring you satisfaction?
Q: What does the KING OF COINS card mean?
A. KING OF COINS is all about Mastery. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE PROVIDER. Upright it represents SECURE ABUNDANCE, and in reverse WEAKENED SECURITY. This care embodies wealth, business acumen, and leadership in financial matters. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Earth, which involves responsibility and obligations. The traits of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, with emphasis on Virgo and Leo, give characteristics of precision, domination, collecting, and pragmatism. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 14 , which can represent “Forging”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might wealth change your lifestyle?
Q: What does the ACE OF CUPS card mean?
A. ACE OF CUPS is all about Emotion. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE PARTNER. Upright it represents EMOTIONAL READINESS, and in reverse EMOTIONALLY UNAVAILABLE. This care embodies new emotional beginnings or spiritual insight. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Zodiac water signs, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 1 , which can represent “Beginnings”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What emotional opportunities can you manifest right now?
Q: What does the TWO OF CUPS card mean?
A. TWO OF CUPS is all about Connection. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE PARTER. Upright it represents PERFECT PARTNERSHIP, and in reverse NEEDED SELF REFLECTION. This care embodies mutual attraction, partnership, and harmony. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Cancer, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. Venus planetarily represents love. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 2 , which can represent “Union”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could striving for a perfect partnership benefit you?
Q: What does the THREE OF CUPS card mean?
A. THREE OF CUPS is all about Celebration. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE FRIEND. Upright it represents GLEEFUL CELEBRATION, and in reverse EXCESSIVE EXPECTATIONS. This care embodies celebration, friendship, and collaboration. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Cancer, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. Mercury planetarily represents strategy. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 3 , which can represent “Kindred”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What joy could come from celebrating more?
Q: What does the FOUR OF CUPS card mean?
A. FOUR OF CUPS is all about Contemplation. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DISCONTENTED. Upright it represents ARROGANT WASTEFULNESS, and in reverse REGRETFUL COMPARISON. This care embodies contemplation, apathy, and missed opportunities. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Cancer, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. The Moon planetarily represents emotion. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 4 , which can represent “Structure”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might appreciating what you have enrich your life?
Q: What does the FIVE OF CUPS card mean?
A. FIVE OF CUPS is all about Loss. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE MOURNER. Upright it represents HAUNTING LOSS, and in reverse HEALING LOSS. This care embodies grief, disappointment, and looking back. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Scorpio, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. Mars planetarily represents battle-readiness. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 5 , which can represent “Forging”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could love, even if it can be lost, enrich your life?
Q: What does the SIX OF CUPS card mean?
A. SIX OF CUPS is all about Nostalgia. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE REMEMBERER. Upright it represents CHERISHED MEMORIES, and in reverse LIVING IN THE PAST. This care embodies nostalgia, childhood memories, and innocence. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Scorpio, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. The Sun planetarily represents confidence. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 6 , which can represent “Harmony”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might living in the here-and- now enhance your life?
Q: What does the SEVEN OF CUPS card mean?
A. SEVEN OF CUPS is all about Choices. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DREAMER. Upright it represents GRANDIOSE TEMPTATIONS, and in reverse GROUNDED REALITY. This care embodies daydreams, choices, and illusions. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Scorpio, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. Venus planetarily represents love. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Late Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 7 , which can represent “Awareness”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What benefits could a sure-thing bring to you?
Q: What does the EIGHT OF CUPS card mean?
A. EIGHT OF CUPS is all about Departure. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE SEARCHER. Upright it represents STAGNANT ROUTINE, and in reverse FEARED CHANGE. This care embodies searching for deeper meaning and moving on. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Pisces, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. Saturn planetarily represents uncertainty. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 8 , which can represent “Power”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might changing up routines bring novelty to your life?
Q: What does the NINE OF CUPS card mean?
A. NINE OF CUPS is all about Wish. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE SATISFIED. Upright it represents WISHES GRANTED, and in reverse EMPTY PROMISES. This care embodies satisfaction, contentment, and wishes fulfilled. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Pisces, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. Jupiter planetarily represents growing. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 9 , which can represent “Fulfillment”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could complete satisfaction improve your life?
Q: What does the TEN OF CUPS card mean?
A. TEN OF CUPS is all about Fulfillment. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE HAPPY. Upright it represents LOVINGLY COMPLETE, and in reverse EMOTIONALLY INCOMPLETE. This care embodies emotional fulfillment, joy, and family happiness. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Pisces, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. Mars planetarily represents battle-readiness. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Early Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 10 , which can represent “Beginnings”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What did you gain from your journey?
Q: What does the PAGE OF CUPS card mean?
A. PAGE OF CUPS is all about Intuition. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE SENSITIVE. Upright it represents NEW EXCITEMENT, and in reverse LOST MOTIVATION. This care embodies intuitive messages, creativity, and curiosity. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotionsand Air (which influences intellect and strategy). The Page also embodies the Air element with concepts of intellect and strategy. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Zodiac water signs, give characteristics of sensitivity, focus, and intuition. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with the Autumnal Equinox. From numerical reduction the card is a 11 , which can represent “Union”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could a new relationship enhance your life?
Q: What does the KNIGHT OF CUPS card mean?
A. KNIGHT OF CUPS is all about Romance. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE ROMANTIC. Upright it represents FLOWING ATTRACTION, and in reverse INTERRUPTED APPEAL. This care embodies romance, charm, and a dreamer. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotionsand Fire (which influences desire and actions). The Knight also embodies the Fire element with concepts of energy and actions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Scorpio and Libra, give characteristics of focus, diplomacy, sensitivity, and intuition. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 12 , which can represent “Kindred”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might attraction play a role in your life?
Q: What does the QUEEN OF CUPS card mean?
A. QUEEN OF CUPS is all about Empathy. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE EMPATH. Upright it represents INTUITIVE COMPASSION, and in reverse UNINTUITIVE COMPARISON. This care embodies compassion, intuition, and emotional stability. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotions. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Cancer and Gemini, give characteristics of sensitivity, versatility, focus, and intuition. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 13 , which can represent “Structure”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might being empathetic enrich your life?
Q: What does the KING OF CUPS card mean?
A. KING OF CUPS is all about Composure. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE COUNSELOR. Upright it represents PEACEFUL DIPLOMACY, and in reverse UNCONTROLLED EMOTION. This care embodies emotional wisdom, calm, and diplomacy. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Water, which involves love and emotionsand Earth (which influences needs and responsibilities). The King also embodies the Earth element with concepts of responsibility and obligations. The traits of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, with emphasis on Pisces and Aquarius, give characteristics of intuition, confidence, sensitivity, and focus. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 14 , which can represent “Forging”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might diplomacy improve your relationships?
Q: What does the ACE OF SWORDS card mean?
A. ACE OF SWORDS is all about Clarity. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE SOLUTIONER. Upright it represents SUDDEN EPIPHANY, and in reverse UNFOUND FOCUS. This care embodies clarity, breakthrough, and sharp mind. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Zodiac air signs, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 1 , which can represent “Beginnings”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What informational opportunities can you seize right now?
Q: What does the TWO OF SWORDS card mean?
A. TWO OF SWORDS is all about Stalemate. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DECIDER. Upright it represents DIFFICULT DECISION, and in reverse OVERTHINKING CHOICES. This care embodies indecision, stalemate, and choices. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Libra, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. The Moon planetarily represents emotion. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 2 , which can represent “Union”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What could be the consequences of procrastination?
Q: What does the THREE OF SWORDS card mean?
A. THREE OF SWORDS is all about Sorrow. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE HEARTBROKEN. Upright it represents SEVERE HEARTBREAK, and in reverse RECOVERING HEARTBREAK. This care embodies heartbreak, sorrow, and betrayal. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Libra, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. Saturn planetarily represents uncertainty. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 3 , which can represent “Kindred”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might experiencing loss help you appreciate value?
Q: What does the FOUR OF SWORDS card mean?
A. FOUR OF SWORDS is all about Rest. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE MEDITATOR. Upright it represents EARNED REST, and in reverse LOOMING BURNOUT. This care embodies rest, recuperation, and contemplation. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Libra, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. Jupiter planetarily represents growing. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 4 , which can represent “Structure”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might rest improve your productivity and wellbeing?
Q: What does the FIVE OF SWORDS card mean?
A. FIVE OF SWORDS is all about Defeat. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DEFEATER. Upright it represents RUTHLESS WIN, and in reverse COMPROMISE TO WIN. This care embodies conflict, tension, and winning at a cost. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Aquarius, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. Venus planetarily represents love. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 5 , which can represent “Forging”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could winning change your life?
Q: What does the SIX OF SWORDS card mean?
A. SIX OF SWORDS is all about Transition. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE TRANSITIONER. Upright it represents NEEDED CHANGE, and in reverse RELUCTANT CHANGE. This care embodies transition, recovery, and moving away from challenges. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Aquarius, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. Mercury planetarily represents strategy. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 6 , which can represent “Harmony”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might asking for help benefit you?
Q: What does the SEVEN OF SWORDS card mean?
A. SEVEN OF SWORDS is all about Deception. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE LIAR. Upright it represents HIDDEN DECEIT, and in reverse SELF DECEPTION. This care embodies deception, strategy, and sneaky tactics. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Aquarius, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. The Moon planetarily represents emotion. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Late Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a
7 , which can represent “Awareness”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might being watchful of deception protect you?
Q: What does the EIGHT OF SWORDS card mean?
A. EIGHT OF SWORDS is all about Restriction. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE TRAPPED. Upright it represents SELF DOUBT, and in reverse RETURNING CONFIDENCE. This care embodies restriction, confusion, and feeling trapped. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Gemini, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. Jupiter planetarily represents growing. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 8 , which can represent “Power”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could letting go of fear improve your life?
Q: What does the NINE OF SWORDS card mean?
A. NINE OF SWORDS is all about Anxiety. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE WORRIER. Upright it represents RELIVING PAST TRAUMA, and in reverse ACCEPTING PAST TRAUMA. This care embodies anxiety, nightmares, and being overwhelmed. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Gemini, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. Mars planetarily represents battle-readiness. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 9 , which can represent “Fulfillment”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could understanding your past enrich your present?
Q: What does the TEN OF SWORDS card mean?
A. TEN OF SWORDS is all about Endings. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DEVASTATED. Upright it represents DEEP ANGUISH, and in reverse LIFTING ANGUISH. This care embodies painful endings, betrayal, and hitting rock bottom. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Gemini, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. The Sun planetarily represents confidence. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Early Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 10 , which can represent “Beginnings”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might grieving facilitate your healing process?
Q: What does the PAGE OF SWORDS card mean?
A. PAGE OF SWORDS is all about Curiosity. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE CURIOUS. Upright it represents STRATEGIC SOLUTIONING, and in reverse DISCONNECTED INFORMATION. This care embodies curiosity, restlessness, and a thirst for knowledge. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategy. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Zodiac air signs, give characteristics of versatility, diplomacy, and confidence. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with the Winter Solstice. From numerical reduction the card is a 11 , which can represent “Union”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might having all the facts benefit your decisions?
Q: What does the KNIGHT OF SWORDS card mean?
A. KNIGHT OF SWORDS is all about Action. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE AGGRESSIVE. Upright it represents UNSTOPPABLE FORCE, and in reverse CHAOTIC FORCE. This care embodies directness, assertiveness, and impulsiveness. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategyand Fire (which influences desire and actions). The Knight also embodies the Fire element with concepts of energy and actions. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Aquarius and Capricorn, give characteristics of confidence, pragmatism, versatility, and diplomacy. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 12 , which can represent “Kindred”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could planning enhance your future?
Q: What does the QUEEN OF SWORDS card mean?
A. QUEEN OF SWORDS is all about Insight. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE STRATEGIST. Upright it represents THINKING STRATEGICALLY, and in reverse THINKING WITH EMOTION. This care embodies independent, unbiased judgment, and clear boundaries. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategyand Water (which influences love and emotions). The Queen also embodies the Water element with concepts of love and emotions. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Libra and Virgo, give characteristics of diplomacy, precision, versatility, and confidence. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 13 , which can represent “Structure”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might logical thinking benefit your decisions?
Q: What does the KING OF SWORDS card mean?
A. KING OF SWORDS is all about Authority. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE AUTHORITY. Upright it represents ETHICS OVER EMOTION, and in reverse EMOTIONS OVER ETHICS. This care embodies mental clarity, truth, and authority. In a yes or no reading it is decided by the intuition of the reader. It is of the element Air, which involves intellect and strategyand Earth (which influences needs and responsibilities). The King also embodies the Earth element with concepts of responsibility and obligations. The traits of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, with emphasis on Gemini and Taurus, give characteristics of versatility, collecting, diplomacy, and confidence. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 14 , which can represent “Forging”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might being incorruptible enhance your integrity?
Q: What does the ACE OF WANDS card mean?
A. ACE OF WANDS is all about Inspiration. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE INSPIRED. Upright it represents MOTIVATIONAL SPARK, and in reverse USELESS DELAY. This care embodies a burst of inspiration, new opportunities, and growth. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Zodiac fire signs, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with any season. From numerical reduction the card is a 1 , which can represent “Beginnings”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What motivational opportunities can you seize right now?
Q: What does the TWO OF WANDS card mean?
A. TWO OF WANDS is all about Planning. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE PLANNER. Upright it represents MOVING FORWARD, and in reverse HOLDING BACK. This care embodies planning, future decisions, and progress. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Aries, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. Mars planetarily represents battle-readiness. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 2 , which can represent “Union”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What benefits could come from getting unstuck?
Q: What does the THREE OF WANDS card mean?
A. THREE OF WANDS is all about Exploration. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE VISIONARY. Upright it represents NOTABLE GROWTH, and in reverse UNEXPECTED SETBACK. This care embodies expansion, foresight, and waiting for results. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Aries, give characteristics of self- awareness, domination, and intellect. The Sun planetarily represents confidence. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 3 , which can represent “Kindred”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might celebrating small wins boost your morale?
Q: What does the FOUR OF WANDS card mean?
A. FOUR OF WANDS is all about Celebration. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE CELEBRATOR. Upright it represents GRATEFUL TOGETHERNESS, and in reverse ALONE IN A CROWD. This care embodies celebration, harmony, and home. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Aries, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. Venus planetarily represents love. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 4 , which can represent “Structure”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might being grateful for relationships enhance your life?
Q: What does the FIVE OF WANDS card mean?
A. FIVE OF WANDS is all about Conflict. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE COMPETITOR. Upright it represents FRICTIONAL CONFLICT, and in reverse RESOLVING CONFLICT. This care embodies competition, disagreements, and conflicts. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Leo, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. Saturn planetarily represents uncertainty. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 5 , which can represent “Forging”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could compromising improve your relationships?
Q: What does the SIX OF WANDS card mean?
A. SIX OF WANDS is all about Recognition. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE VICTOR. Upright it represents GLORIOUS WIN, and in reverse FALL FROM GRACE. This care embodies success, recognition, and confidence. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Leo, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. Jupiter planetarily represents growing. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 6 , which can represent “Harmony”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What benefits could popularity bring to your life?
Q: What does the SEVEN OF WANDS card mean?
A. SEVEN OF WANDS is all about Defense. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE DEFENDER. Upright it represents ALL-IN DETERMINED, and in reverse LOST COURAGE. This care embodies defense, challenge, and standing your ground. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Leo, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. Mars planetarily represents battle-readiness. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Late Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 7 , which can represent “Awareness”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might persisting improve your life?
Q: What does the EIGHT OF WANDS card mean?
A. EIGHT OF WANDS is all about Speed. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE SPRINTER. Upright it represents ACCELERATING QUICKLY, and in reverse NO TRACTION. This care embodies speed, action, and rapid movement. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Sagittarius, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. Mercury planetarily represents strategy. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 8 , which can represent “Power”. Context of the card spread is centered and influencing the present moment. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might urgency drive you to success?
Q: What does the NINE OF WANDS card mean?
A. NINE OF WANDS is all about Resilience. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE RESILIENT. Upright it represents WITHSTANDING ADVERSITY, and in reverse DRAINED DEFEAT. This care embodies persistence, resilience, and nearing completion. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Sagittarius, give characteristics of self- awareness, domination, and intellect. The Moon planetarily represents emotion. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 9 , which can represent “Fulfillment”. When this card is pulled in a multi- card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could stopping and resting rejuvenate you?
Q: What does the TEN OF WANDS card mean?
A. TEN OF WANDS is all about Burden. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE BURDENED. Upright it represents HEAVY BURDEN, and in reverse UNACCEPTED RESPONSIBILITY. This care embodies burden, stress, and taking on too much. In a yes or no reading it is a no. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Sagittarius, give characteristics of self- awareness, domination, and intellect. Saturn planetarily represents uncertainty. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Early Winter. From numerical reduction the card is a 10 , which can represent “Beginnings”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: What might you gain by doing it alone?
Q: What does the PAGE OF WANDS card mean?
A. PAGE OF WANDS is all about Discovery. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE ADVENTURER. Upright it represents RAPID FIRE PLANNING, and in reverse PROCRASTINATING ACTION. This care embodies enthusiasm, exploration, and news. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actionsand Air (which influences intellect and strategy). The Page also embodies the Air element with concepts of intellect and strategy. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Zodiac fire signs, give characteristics of self-awareness, domination, and intellect. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is dependent on the reading, and the energy is associated with the Summer Solstice. From numerical reduction the card is a 11 , which can represent “Union”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might brainstorming open up new possibilities for you?
Q: What does the KNIGHT OF WANDS card mean?
A. KNIGHT OF WANDS is all about Adventure. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE PASSIONATE. Upright it represents FEARLESS ACTION, and in reverse SENSELESS RISK. This care embodies energy, impulsiveness, and adventure. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Leo and Cancer, give characteristics of domination, sensitivity, self-awareness, and intellect. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Fixed (which is the Middle), and the energy is associated with Summer. From numerical reduction the card is a 12 , which can represent “Kindred”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could handling FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) improve your life?
Q: What does the QUEEN OF WANDS card mean?
A. QUEEN OF WANDS is all about Confidence. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE INFLUENCER. Upright it represents CONFIDENT AMBITION, and in reverse FEARFUL YEARNING. This care embodies courage, determination, and joy. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actionsand Water (which influences love and emotions). The Queen also embodies the Water element with concepts of love and emotions. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Aries and Pisces, give characteristics of self-awareness, intuition, domination, and intellect. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Cardinal (which is the Beginning), and the energy is associated with Early Spring. From numerical reduction the card is a 13 , which can represent “Structure”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the RIGHT is additionally relevant to the reading. If there is no card to the right, an event or person in the future is significant to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How might having control benefit your life?
Q: What does the KING OF WANDS card mean?
A. KING OF WANDS is all about Leadership. If this card were a character in a movie, it would be cast in the role of: THE LEADER. Upright it represents DEPENDABLY GOAL ORIENTED, and in reverse OVERBEARINGLY GOAL ORIENTED. This care embodies leadership, vision, and entrepreneurial spirit. In a yes or no reading it is a yes. It is of the element Fire, which involves desire and actionsand Earth (which influences needs and responsibilities). The King also embodies the Earth element with concepts of responsibility and obligations. The traits of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, with emphasis on Sagittarius and Scorpio, give characteristics of intellect, focus, self-awareness, and domination. The Universe planetarily represents the connections between things. Timing is Mutable (which is the End), and the energy is associated with Late Fall. From numerical reduction the card is a 14 , which can represent “Forging”. When this card is pulled in a multi-card spread, the card to the LEFT is additionally significant to the reading. If there is no card to the left, a person or event in the past is symbolic to this reading. When the card shows up, ask yourself: How could protecting others enrich your life?